Kamis, 17 September 2009

Blackjack Principles and the "Game" of Sales

Applying the winning principles of Blackjack for sales success

1. Understand the rules of the game.
A cardinal rule of the game stipulates that you don't invest your time pursuing low-probability opportunities, regardless of how much you want or need a sale. As in Blackjack, you must remain emotionally detached from the process. If the opportunity doesn't measure up...well then, it doesn't measure up, and it's time to move on and find one that does.

Low-probability opportunities exist when:
- There isn't a compelling reason for the prospect to buy your product or service or buy it from YOU
- The prospect isn't willing or able to make the required investment to obtain your product or service
- You can't meet all of the prospect's criteria for buying your product or service or buying it from you rather than a competitor.

2. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.
"Bet" your time wisely. Don't invest all your time pursuing one opportunity. That's not a winning strategy. You should have more than one active opportunity in your pipeline.

3. Know when to walk away.
Sometimes it's not in the cards. Some sales opportunities will progress predictably and perhaps quickly, and you'll add a new name to your client list. Other opportunities will drag on. Some prospects won't make commitments or, if they do, they won't keep them. In those instances, you need to cut your losses (of time and energy). You should close the file, walk away, and invest your time identifying other potentially more viable opportunities.

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